The Truth Behind Hypnotism
Between the media and urban legends, there are a great deal of misconceptions about hypnotists and hypnosis. As is the case with most things of this nature, the myth and the truth are a great distance apart. In an effort to combat the spookiness that surrounds hypnotism, I’ve put together an 8-point list of common questions I get asked by people who are unsure or uneasy about the practice of hypnotism, and my show specifically.
Can I experience hypnotism?
Believe it or not, hypnosis is experienced by everyone on a daily basis. When you’re making your daily commute to work, or watching a movie intently, you’re tuning out a great deal of the stimuli around you. Essentially, that’s hypnotism. The difference in working with a training hypnotist is that I bring about that feeling during moments where you normally wouldn’t experience it.
Is hypnosis safe?
Simply put, hypnosis is absolutely safe. At no point are you asleep or unconscious. You’re simply in a heightened state of suggestibility, wherein you are likely to be slightly re-tuned to experience positive changes. It’s fun, relaxing, and risk-free.
Will hypnosis work on me?
In all likelihood, hypnosis will work for you. It’s an absolutely natural phenomenon that we’re simply bringing about. There is the outside chance that it won’t totally work for you, but that’s generally due to you thinking too much about being hypnotized in the first place. If you want to experience it, clear your mind and it will happen!
Do I have to participate if I attend the show?
Not at all. Participation is completely voluntary. However, I will say that just observing the show doesn’t compare to actually participating in it. You’ll experience a completely unique kind of fun that you aren’t likely to forget anytime soon!
If I participate in a show, will I be embarrassed?
Our show is all in good fun, and is absolutely not designed to rob you of your dignity. You’ll have a lot of fun, and have a lot of new stories to tell, but certainly will not regret your decision to participate.
How active is comedy hypnosis?
By nature, hypnosis requires a certain amount of relaxation, so that makes a great deal of physical activity adverse to our goals. The show is absolutely, 100% safe; as we take your safety very seriously. Despite never having a single issue at a show in 30 years, I still carry a $2,000,000 insurance policy to make sure your peace of mind is firmly in tact.
How are hypnotists trained?
Hypnotism has been approved by the AMA since 1958, and is overseen by a few different organizations. The largest & oldest of these is the National Guild of Hypnotists, which certifies and trains hypnotists through a rigorous training program. Following training, a hypnotist will spend a few years doing an internship. Then, after spending a year as a practicing hypnotist, they are eligible Board Certification Examination, which is an advance practice oral and written examination given by a peer group four times a year around the country.
If successful, a hypnotist who has been Board Certified may sit for the Fellow examination after three more years of study. The entire process is very reminiscent of the process a medical professional goes through during their early career.
What is your background?
I’ve been actively practicing hypnotism and performing my comedy hypnosis show for just about 30 years. In terms of education, I have a B.A. from West Texas State, a M.Th from SMU, a Post-Internship certification from Cambridge, a D.Min from Drew University, and am a 2007 graduate of the Arkansas School of Hypnotherapy, which was the same year that I became certified with National Guild of Hypnotism. All of that experience informs the decisions I make in regards to my show. After many years of training and performing, I’m extremely excited to be able to perform for your group, business, school, church, or university!
I sincerely hope that this list of frequently asked questions helps put you at ease if you’re attending one of my shows, or if you’re considering hypnotism in general. Hypnotism can help make your mind receptive to so much positive change, and I consider it my duty to bring this to the attention of the people I meet everyday. Whether you come to a Dr. Jon’s Comedy show, or you’re considering hypnotherapy in your area, I strongly encourage you to be open and receptive to it.
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